
  • D. S. Yankovskiy
  • Yu. V. Antipkin
  • G. S. Dyment
  • T. K. Znamenskaia
  • E. E. Shunko
  • Yu. V. Davydova



Ключові слова:

Мікробіом, плацента, мікробіота, індигенна мікрофлора, некротичний ентероколіт, «Симбітер®».


В огляді представлені сучасні дані, що стосуються питань формування мікробної екології у новонароджених. Особливу увагу приділено впливу індигенної мікрофлори, що населяє різні біотопи організму вагітних, на здоров’я немовлят. Наведено результати ряду досліджень, що вказують перспективність застосування в неонатології пробіотиків.


Antypkin Iu.H. Rol multyprobiotyka Symbiter v profilaktytsi perynatalnykh uskladnen [Multiprobiotic Symbiter role in the prevention of perinatal complications]/ Iu.H. Antypkin, R.O. Moiseienko, Iu.V. Davydova [y dr.] // Zdorove zhenshchynы. 2009; 6(42): 171-76. (in Ukrainian).

Berezhnoj V.V. Probiotiki v kompleksnoj terapii detej s atopicheskim dermatitom [Probiotics in the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis]/ V.V. Berezhnoj, S.A. Kramarev, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2003; 1 (13): 95–7. (in Russian).

Berezhnyi V.V. Antibiotykoasotsiiovani porushennia mikrobiotsenozu tovstoi kyshky u ditei hrudnoho viku z hostroiu bronkho-lehenevoiu patolohiieiu ta yikh korektsiia [Antibiotic abuse microbiota colon in infants with acute broncho-pulmonary disorders and their correction]/ V.V.Berezhnyi, D.S. Yankovskyi, I.I Andrikevych // Sovr. pedyatryia». 2011; 4 (38): 172-76. (in Ukrainian).

Venckovskij B.M. Mikrojekologicheskie aspekty reproduktivnogo zdorov'ja zhenshhiny i sovremennye podhody k ego podderzhaniju [Microecological aspects of women's reproductive health and modern approaches to the maintenance of his]/ B.M. Venckovskij, V.A. Tovstanovskaja, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2002; 3(11): 86-91. (in Russian).

Volosovec A.P. Atopicheskie zabolevanija i mul'tiprobiotiki: sovremennye vozmozhnosti / A.P. Volosovec, D.S. Jankovskij, S.P. Krivopustov [i dr.] [Atopic disease and multiprobiotics: current capabilities / AP Volosovets, DS Jankowski, SP Krivopustov [et al.]]// Zb. prac' naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії «Mіkrobna ekologіja ljudini. Suchasnі strategії vikoristannja probіotikіv», Kiїv, 2011: 22-8. (in Russian).

Kravchenko O.V. Zastosuvannia probiotyka «Symbiter» v kompleksnomu likuvanni bakterialnykh vahinoziv [The use of probiotic "Symbiter" in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis]/ O.V. Kravchenko, R.V. Hutsuliak, D.S. Yankovskyi // Pediatriia, akusherstvo ta hinekolohiia. 2002; 5: 100-102. (in Ukrainian).

Kramarev S.A. Antibiotiko-associirovannye diarei u detej s infekcionnymi zabolevanijami i vozmozhnosti ih profilaktiki [Antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children with infectious diseases and their possible prevention]/ S.A. Kramarev, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Sovremennaja pediatrija.2007; 4 (17): 157–61. (in Russian).

Kramarev S.A. Sravnitel'naja ocenka jeffektivnosti razlichnyh shem profilakticheskogo priema mul'tiprobiotika Simbiter v dvojkom slepom placebo kontroliruemom issledovanii u detej [Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of various schemes of preventive reception multiprobiotic Symbiter in twos-blind, placebo-controlled study in children]/ S.A. Kramarev, O.V. Vygovskaja, V.V. Berezhnoj [i dr.]// Sovr. pediatrija». 2011; 1 (35). (in Russian).

Luk'janova E.M. Nekotorye zamechanija otnositel'no taktiki ispol'zovanija probiotikov v neonatologii i pediatrii [Some comments on the tactics of the use of probiotics in pediatrics and neonatology] / E.M. Luk'janova, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment [i dr.] // Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2005; 3 (8): 230–40. (in Russian).

Luk'janova E.M. K voprosu o polikomponentnosti probiotikov [On the question of multicomponent probiotics] / E.M.Luk'janova, D.S. Jankovskij, Ju.G. Antipkin, G.S. Dyment // Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2005; 3 (23): 186–94. (in Russian).

Ott V.D. Systemni porushennia mikrobiotsenozu, yikh profilaktyka ta likuvannia iz zastosuvanniam multykomponentnykh probiotykiv u vahitnykh, hoduiuchykh materiv i ditei [Systemic violations microbiota and their prevention and treatment with multykomponentnyh probiotics in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children]/ V.D. Ott, T.L. Marushko, L.I. Tutchenko [y dr..] // Mat. Mizhnarod. naukovo-prakt. Konf. „Probiotyky KhKhI stolittia. Biolohiia. Medytsyna. Praktyka”. – Ternopil, 2004: 127-32. (in Ukrainian).

Patent 69137 A Ukraina, A 61 K 35/66, A 61 K 35/74. - №20031211284. – Zaiavl. 09.12.2003; Opubl. 16.08.2004, Biul. №8. - Sposib likuvannia novonarodzhenykh z vyrazkovo-nekrotychnym enterokolitom [A method of treating infants with ulcer-necrotic enterocolitis]. Shunko Ie.Ie., Yankovskyi D.S., Dyment H.S., Krasnova Iu.Iu. (in Ukrainian).

Patent 69138 A Ukraina, A 61 K 35/74, A 61 K 35/66. - №20031211285. – Zaiavl. 09.12.2003; Opubl. 16.08.2004, Biul. №8. Sposib likuvannia novonarodzhenykh iz sepsysom [A method of treating infants with sepsis.]. Shunko Ie.Ie., Yankovskyi D.S., Dyment H.S.,Krasnova Iu.Iu. (in Ukrainian).

Stasevich K. V chelovecheskoj placente nashli rotovuju mikrofloru [In the human placenta found oral microflora]/ K.Stasevich // Nauka i zhizn'. 2014;5. (in Russian).

Tutchenko L.I. Osoblyvosti formuvannia systemy mikrobiotsenozu u novonarodzhenykh ta nemovliat ta shliakhy yoho optymizatsii [Features forming system microbiota in neonates and infants and ways to optimize] / L.I. Tutchenko, V.D. Ott, T.L. Marushko [y dr.] // Zhurnal praktychnoho likaria. 2001; 5: 24-30. (in Russian).

Tutchenko L.I. Vplyv kompleksnoi terapii z vkliuchenniam suchasnykh bioterapevtychnykh preparativ na funktsiiu laktatsii ta stan zdorov’ia nemovliat, narodzhenykh vid zhinok z sertsevo-sudynnoiu patolohiieiu [Effect of combined therapy with the inclusion of advanced biotherapeutic drugs on lactation function and health of babies born to women with cardiovascular pathology]/ L.I. Tutchenko, V.F. Lapshyn, T.L. Marushko [y dr.] // Zdorove zhenshchynы. 2006; 1(25): 204–7. (in Ukrainian).

Ursova N.I. Bazovye funkcii kishechnoj mikroflory i formirovanie mikrobiocenoza u detej [Basic functions of the intestinal microflora and the formation microbiocenosis children]/ N.I. Ursova // Praktika pediatra. 2006; 3: 30-7. (in Russian).

Shirobokov V.P. Novye strategii v oblasti sozdanija i klinicheskogo ispol'zovanija probiotikov [New strategies in the development and clinical use of probiotics]/ V.P. Shirobokov, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Vіsnik farmakologії ta farmacії. 2010; 2: 18-30. (in Russian).

Shirobokov V.P. Biojeticheskie problemy ispol'zovanija probiotikov v medicine [Bioethical problems of using probiotics in medicine]/ V.P. Shirobokov, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Sb. trudov IV Nacional'nogo kongressa po biojetike, Kiev, 2011. (in Russian).

Shun'ko E.E. Novyj vzgljad na formirovanie jendomikrojekologicheskogo statusa u novorozhdennyh detej [A new look at the formation of endomikroekologicheskogo status in newborns]/ E.E. Shun'ko, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Zhurnal praktichnogo lіkarja. 2003; 1: 54-61. (in Russian).

Shun'ko E.E. Problemnye voprosy mikrojekologii i antibakterial'noj terapii novorozhdennyh s perinatal'noj patologiej [Problematic issues microecology and antibiotic therapy in neonates with perinatal pathology]/ E.E. Shun'ko, D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment [i dr.]// Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2004; 4(20): 171-77. (in Russian).

Shun'ko E.E. Ispol'zovanie mul'tiprobiotika «Simbiter» v lechenii novorozhdennyh s perinatal'noj patologiej [Using multiprobiotic "Symbiter" in the treatment of infants with perinatal pathology]/ E.E. Shun'ko, Ju.Ju. Krasnova, D.S. Jankovskij [i dr.]// Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2005; 2(7): 213–17. (in Russian).

Shun'ko E.E. Ispol'zovanie mul'tiprobiotika «Simbiter» v lechenii detej s perinatal'noj patologiej [Using multiprobiotic "Symbiter" in the treatment of children with perinatal pathology]/ E.E. Shun'ko, Ju.Ju. Krasnova, D.S. Jankovskij [i dr.]// Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2007; 2(9): 215–18. (in Russian).

Shunko Ie.Ie. Suchasna kliniko-mikrobiolohichna kontseptsiia pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti likuvalno-profilaktychnoi dopomohy novonarodzhenym [Modern clinical and microbiological concept of increase of efficiency of therapeutic and preventive care to newborns]/ Ie.Ie. Shunko, Iu.Iu. Krasnova // Zb. prats «Rol probiotykiv v okhoroni zdorov’ia materi ta dytyny». 2006: 33–6. (in Ukrainian).

25. Shunko Ie.Ie. Suchasni pidkhody do formuvannia mikrobiotsenozu, profilaktyky ta likuvannia infektsii u novonarodzhenykh [Modern approaches to formation microbiota, prevention and treatment of infections in newborns] / Ie.Ie. Shunko, Iu.Iu. Krasnova // Zb. prats satelitnoho sympoziumu «Suchasni aspekty zastosuvannia probiotykiv v pediatrii». Kyiv, 2008: 27-30. (in Ukrainian).

Shunko E.E. Perynatalne zastosuvannia probiotykiv – profilaktyka ta likuvannia [Perinatal use of probiotics - prevention and treatment]/ Ie.Ie. Shunko, Iu.Iu. Krasnova // Zb. prats naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Mikrobna ekolohiia liudyny. Suchasni stratehii vykorystannia probiotykiv», Kyiv. 2011: 31-33. (in Ukrainian).

Jankovskij D.S. Jera probiotikov. Protivorechija, problemy, diskussii [The era of probiotics. Contradictions, problems, discussions]/ D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Kolega. 2005; 1–2: 32 s.; 3–4: 52 s. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S. Probioticheskaja optimizacija pervichnogo formirovanija normal'nyh biocenozov v neonatal'nom vozdaste - zalog preduprezhdenija disbiozov [Probiotic optimization of the primary formation of normal neonatal biocenoses will be rewarded - a pledge of dysbiosis]/ D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Reprodukt. zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2007; 3: 192–99. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S. Uluchshenie reproduktivnogo zdorov'ja zhenshhiny putem optimizacii mikrojekologii pishhevaritel'nogo i urogenital'nogo trakta [Improving the reproductive health of women by optimizing microecology digestive and urogenital tract]/ D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Reprodukt. zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2007; 3: 148–54. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S. Ispol'zovanie probiotikov s cel'ju uluchshenija reproduktivnogo zdorov'ja zhenshhiny [The use of probiotics to improve women]/ D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. 2008; 2(34): 161-70. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija probiotikov u novorozhdennyh [Prospects for the use of probiotics in infants] / D.S. Jankovskij, G.S. Dyment // Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2008; 3: 138-47. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S. Mesto disbioza v patologii cheloveka [Place dysbiosis in human pathology]/ D.S. Jankovskij, R.A.Moiseenko, G.S. Dyment // Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2010; 1(29); 154-67. (in Russian).

Jankovskij D.S., Shirobokov V.P., Moiseenko R.A. Disbiozy i sovremennye podhody k ih profilaktike [Dysbiosis and modern approaches to prevention]/ D.S. Jankovskij, V.P. Shirobokov, R.A. Moiseenko // Sovremennaja pediatrija. 2010; 3(31): 143-51. (in Russian).

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Як цитувати

Yankovskiy, D. S., Antipkin, Y. V., Dyment, G. S., Znamenskaia, T. K., Shunko, E. E., & Davydova, Y. V. (2015). МІКРОБНА ЕКОЛОГІЯ НОВОНАРОДЖЕНИХ: ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ МІКРОБІОМУ ТА ПРОФІЛАКТИКА ЙОГО ПОРУШЕНЬ. Неонатологія, хірургія та перинатальна медицина, 5(2(16), 93–105. https://doi.org/10.24061/2413-4260.V.2.16.2015.18